The Myopia Life Cycle

We’re here to help you fight myopia one stage at a time.

Age 0-7: The Pre-Myopia Stage

  • Prevention by proper lifestyle
  • Identify higher risk of myopia
  • Prophylaxis treatment
  • Early detection of myopia
  • Aggressive treatment of myopia
  • Myopia control program: multi-prong approach: NWOK, MISIGHT soft multifocal, custom soft multifocal lenses, Eye drops once a day, special myopia control glasses
  • Monitor axial length ( eyeball elongation) for treatment dosage
  • Less aggressive treatment needed
  • Discontinue treatment
  • Refractive surgeries
  • Refractive surgeries
  • Myopia education for their children
  • Onset of presbyopia
  • Myopia related disease treatment and management
  • Reduce symptoms to improve living with myopia related diseases

Myopia for Parents

At Golden Vision, we recommend that children get an annual vision screening to test for refractive eye conditions like myopia at an early age. The earlier an optometry team can detect an issue like myopia in your child, the sooner we can sit down and build a personalized myopia control and vision management strategy.

Axial Length Measurement

The average eye axial length is approximately 23.30 mm. Assuming the central corneal power is the same for each eye at normal axial lengths, for every 1 mm of axial length difference you can anticipate a 3.0 D difference in the refractive error.

Our Locations

We have 9 convenient locations throughout California to serve you. We’re constantly growing, so you and your family always have access to the services you need. 

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