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Are Ortho-k Lenses for Adults?

A closeup of a man applying contact lenses.

Adults who meet the vision and ocular health requirements are suitable candidates for ortho-k lenses. There’s no age limitation for these specialized lenses. 

If adults are interested in using ortho-k lenses for myopia management, studies have shown that they’re effective in slowing myopia for teenagers and young adults up to age 29. […]

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What Causes Myopia to Worsen?

A woman is staying up late using her smartphone in her room without lights. Excessive use of digital devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones can contribute to myopia progression.

Myopia typically develops during childhood and can continue to get worse until it stabilizes around the age of 20. However, it is possible to develop myopia well into adulthood, due to factors like visual stress and medical conditions such as diabetes. Genetics and environmental factors can play a role in developing myopia and if it continues to worsen. In most cases, myopia will worsen if not properly treated. […]

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Can Myopia Lead to Blindness? Why Early Prevention Is Necessary

A young boy wearing glasses and reading a book.

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, occurs when the eye is too long or the cornea is too curved, making it difficult to focus on distant objects. It’s quite common, with over 40% of individuals in the United States having some level of myopia. And unfortunately, myopia can sometimes lead to blindness or vision loss resulting from complications, such as retinal detachment or cataracts, later in life. […]

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7 Ways to Manage Progressive Myopia

A red-haired young girl with glasses leaning closer to her laptop screen to see its content better.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, worsens with time, putting your child’s vision at risk. Thankfully, your eye doctor has many treatments available to protect their sight. It’s important to book regular eye exams to help identify vision-related problems in your child as soon as possible.  Many ways to manage progressive myopia exist, including:  What is Progressive Myopia? […]

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